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RW5210 Round Anti Teft Retractor Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Ipleyiti

  • Inombolo yoMfanekiso: RW5210
  • Ubungakanani bebhokisi: Ububanzi Φ32.5(D)x11(H) MM
  • Umbala Webhokisi:

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  • Izixhobo zeCable:

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  • Imisebenzi eyongezelelweyo:

  • Ubude beCable eRetractable:

  • Amandla okubuyisa ikhebula:

  • Idayamitha yeCable:

  • Lungisa kwakhona
  • IiMfuno zokuPakisha:

Amaxabiso eemveliso ezilungiselelwe wena kufuneka kuxoxwe
Ixabiso leWholeyile:
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0 -49 Iiseti I-2.25 ye-USD Iintsuku zokusebenza ezi-6
50 -199 Iiseti I-$ 1.37 ye-$ Iintsuku zokusebenza ezi-6
200 -499 Iiseti I-$1.26 yedola Iintsuku zokusebenza ezi-6
500 -999 Iiseti I-$1.07 ye-$ Iintsuku zokusebenza ezi-6
1000 - I-USD $0.98 Iintsuku zokusebenza ezisi-7
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izixhobo 2:
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Umbala Webhokisi:
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Izixhobo zeCable:
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Isiphelo sentambo:
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Imisebenzi eyongezelelweyo:
--- Nceda khetha ---
Ubude beCable eRetractable:
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Amandla okubuyisa ikhebula:
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Idayamitha yeCable:
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IiMfuno zokuPakisha:
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Iinkcukacha zeMveliso

Iithegi zeMveliso

Umboniso weVidiyo malunga ne-RW5210 Anti-Teft Retractor


RW5210 Round Security Tether Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate

Isixhobo sokhuseleko esikwabizwa ngokuba yibhokisi yokutsala ubusela, ibhokisi yokutsala i-recoil, i-anti-theft recoilers, i-tether erhoxiswayo kunye nebhokisi yokutsalwa, inokusetyenziswa ngokubanzi kwindawo yokuma kwemveliso yokuthengisa, ukhuseleko lokuthenga, ukubeka iingcingo zocingo kwizixhobo zombane, izixhobo ezichaseneyo, inkxaso yemiqondiso, kunye nemveliso okanye iinxalenye zokutya.Umzekelo, inokusetyenziswa kwiivenkile ezinkulu, ezinje ngeWal-Mart Electronic products displaying kunye nezinye iimveliso zemihla ngemihla.

I-RW5210 iTether yoKhuseleko yimilo ejikelezayo ifikelela kuyilo oluhle.

I-RW5210 Imilinganiselo yoKhuseleko lweTether

Izixhobo:Ibhokisi yenziwe ngeplastiki ye-ABS, ene-spring retractable eyakhelwe ngaphakathi kunye ne-nayiloni yokugquma intambo yensimbi engenasici (304 insimbi engenasici, isakhiwo 7 * 7) ejikelezayo kwi-reel ngaphakathi.
Indlela yokulungisa ibhokisi:3M iteyiphu encamathelayo kabini

Iindawo zokuPhuma ngekhebula:Mnye kuphela
Ubungakanani bebhokisi:32.5*34*11 MM
Imibala Yebhokisi:Mnyama (Mhlophe kunye nombala oCwangcisiweyo uyafumaneka, umgangatho uya kuba Mnyama)
Amandla okuhoxisa akhoyo:I-1/8LB (amandla alungiselelweyo ayafumaneka, umgangatho uya kuba yi-1/8LB)
Imibala yeCable:Inayiloni ebonakala igquma intambo yentsimbi engenanto (inayiloni emnyama egqunyiweyo kunye nombala olungiselelweyo uyafumaneka, umgangatho uya kugqunywa yinayiloni ecacileyo)
Ubude beCable eRetractable:85 cm (ubude obulungiselelweyo buyafumaneka, Ubukhulu: 85cm, umgangatho uya kuba yi-85cm)
Ububanzi beCable:0.6mm (0.45mm kunye nobukhulu obulungiselelweyo buyafumaneka, umgangatho uya kuba ngu-0.6mm)
Iinkcukacha zesiphelo sentambo:I-25X15MM ye-Rectangular Adhesive Black ABS Plate (Umbala oMhlophe okanye olungiselelweyo uyafumaneka, umgangatho uya kuba mnyama)

I-RW5210 iNgcaciso yeTether yoKhuseleko

RW5210 Security Tether specifications (cable exit details, box size details)

Kwi-RW5210 yokhuseleko lwe-tether, umbala weBhokisi, umbala weCable, idayamitha yeCable, ubude beCable, iRetract Pull force inokwenziwa ngokwezifiso.
Ukuba i-tether ye-RW5210 yokhuseleko engasentla ayikwazi ukuhlangabezana neemfuno zakho, nceda ubuyele phezulu kwaye usithumelele umbuzo ukuze sixoxe ngeenkcukacha ezithe vetshe.

Iimveliso ezifanayo kwi-RW5210 yoKhuseleko lweTether

Ukuba ngaphezulu kwe-RW5210 Cuboid yokhuseleko lwe-tether ayisiyiyo eyona mveliso uyidingayo, Ukulandela i-tether yokhuseleko ye-Cuboid efanayo kwireferensi yakho:
1. ITether yoKhuseleko enebhokisi enye kodwa intambo ezahlukeneyo ziphela(Cofa emfanekisweni ukuze ufumane ulwazi oluninzi ngemveliso)

RW5200 Series Anti Theft Retractor

RW5200 Round Anti Theft Retractor Work with Cord End Apply in Different Products Anti Theft Display RW5201 Round Anti Theft Retractor with Ring Terminal Inner Hole 3mm 4mm 5mm for Option RW5202 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Dia 30mm Circular Adhesive ABS Plate RW5203 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus 35X22mm Rectangular Adhesive metal Plate RW5204 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus 45X19mm Rectangular Sticky metal Plate RW5205 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Adjustalbe Lasso Loop End by Small Lock and Allen Key RW5208 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Dia 38mm Circular Sticky Flexible ABS Plate RW5209 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Size Customizable Fixed Loop End RW5210 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW5211 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus M6x8MM /M8x8MM or Customized Flat Head Screw Cable End RW5213 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Dia 30MMx5.5MM Circular Adhesive ABS Block RW5214 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus with Demountable Key Ring RW5215 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Wire Rope Ring Catch RW5216 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Side Hole Hardwar RW5217 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Magnetic Clasps Cable Holder RW5219 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Dia 22mm Circular Sticky metal Plate RW5221 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus 33x19MM Oval Sticky Flexible Rubber Tips RW5222 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus 10x31MM Two Screw Perforated Oval Metal Plate Connector Installed by Screw RW5224 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Key Hook RW5226 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus Adjustable Stainless Steel Wire Loop Coated Silicone Hose

2. ITether yoKhuseleko enentambo efanayo iphela kodwa iimilo zebhokisi ezahlukeneyo(Cofa emfanekisweni ukuze ufumane ulwazi oluninzi ngemveliso)

RW0010 Cable End Series Anti Theft Pull Box with 25x15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate

RW0810 D-shaped Micro Retractable Tether Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW1010 Drop-shaped Retractable Security Tether Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate as Security Equipment RW5410 Heart-shaped Security Pull Box Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW5110 Round Mini Anti Lost Recoiler Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW5210 Round Anti Theft Retractor Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW5310 Round Security Display Tether with Logo Custom Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW1110 Square Retail Security Tether Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate Used in Design Organizations RW1710 Square Security Tether Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW5610 Square Heavy Duty Retractable Cable Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW0510 Cuboid Anti Theft Pull Box with 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate Used in Consumer Electronics Products Stores RW0610 Cuboid Ratcheting Retractable Cable Plus Ratchet Function 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW1510 Cuboid Multifunctional Retractable Cable with 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate Used in Consumer Electronics Products Stores RW4910 Square Ratcheting Retractable Tether Plus Ratchet Function Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate RW4510 Round Display Pull Box Plus 25X15mm Rectangular Adhesive ABS Plate

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    Gxininisa ekuboneleleni ngezisombululo zemong pu iminyaka emi-5.
